Reading is at the very core of our curriculum, and we aim to provide the children with the fundamental skills they require to become avid, fluent readers.
Home-school links
Throughout the school, we encourage home-school links with reading. From nursery, children receive regular nursery rhymes to learn and practise at home.
In Year 1 and 2, the children take home two reading books per week (changed by staff weekly). From Year 3, the children choose books from their Accelerated Reader range and complete quizzes on what they have read.
In KS2 (Y3 to Y6), we have introduced the Accelerated Reader online reading program. This is a diagnostic tool which supports our existing home-school reading books. Once the children have read a book, the children complete an online quiz to gain points towards their individual targets.
Pupils are rewarded with certificates and prizes for their progress. They also complete half-termly assessments to find out how well they are progressing with their reading.
To support early reading and phonics, we follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
The questions below can be used by parents/carers when reading with your children.