The school follows the Code of Practice for children who have special or additional needs.
All classes in school are of mixed ability, and teachers provide work that is specially designed to match the ability of each group. They do this using a variety of materials and classroom support.
If a child has special or additional needs, parents will be informed that their child is being registered on the special needs register. These children will have an individual education plan (IEP), which is reviewed with parents each term.
For a small proportion of children, the school may need to involve the use of advice of specialists outside of school. Parents will always be informed of this in advance, so that they have the opportunity to ask questions and raise any concerns.
At Lambton Primary School, we are sensitive to the needs of all children and ensure that their achievements are recognized. We aim to provide all of our children with a curriculum differentiated to their needs, if those needs can be met by the school.
There is a member of staff in school who is responsible for children on the SEND register and to support staff and parents: Miss Startup is the school SEND co-ordinator.
Following consultation with parents through our SEN Working Party, we have devised a useful contacts list to support parents to access the information and/or support they may need. Please see the link below: